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1. Based on a July 1, 2016 comparison of Windows OS and OSX clamshell laptops that were available on the market.
2. Battery life varies depending on power settings and usage.
3. To achieve optimal performance, both the transmitter and receiver must support MU-MIMO. The claim of up to 3 times faster transmission speed is based on scenarios where the wireless AP supports 4 MU streams.
4. One of the two USB Type-C ports supports power delivery, display output and data transfers, while the other port only supports power delivery and data transfers.
Our Mission
Breaking down barriers between people and technology.
Since Acer’s inception, our common goal has always been contributing to society. We believe that the more access people have to technology, the better. This is our reason for being.
Brand Manifesto
At Acer we believe it only takes one explorer to change the world. And we believe that with the right tools, everyone has the potential to be that explorer.
We are more than a technology company, we are a nimble team of pioneers. Our passion for technology is rooted in what it enables people to explore and create. We see it as our responsibility to help people push beyond their limits, to spark curiosity and ignite discovery with the products we make. We encourage people to explore their potential and the world around them.
Acer devices help people uncover their world faster, better and more securely. If you ask us what we do? Simple: We make tools for the modern day explorer.
Brand Values
Curiosity is the seed of every innovative idea. Wonderment and imagination make for active minds, open to new worlds and ideas. We see problems not as things to be solved, but as opportunities to better understand the ever-changing needs of our end users.
Staying on the cusp of progress allows us to do what we love best, making people’s lives better through technology. Everything we make should carry our consumers and the industry forward. If it’s not improving lives, it’s not worth making.
We make products for the many, not the few. Our drive doesn’t come from publicity or awards, but from seeing real people use our products to navigate and create their world.
Allgemeine Informationen
Hersteller: | Acer, Inc |
Hersteller-Artikelnummer: | NX.GKPEG.001 |
Hersteller-Webseite: | |
Marke: | Acer |
Produktlinie: | Spin |
Produktreihe: | SP714-51 |
Modell: | SP714-51-M09D |
Produktbezeichnung: | Spin 7 SP714-51-M09D Notebook |
Marketingtext: | Schlank, leicht, edel.
Unglaublich dünn und außerordentlich leicht – mit dem Spin 7 stehen der Freiheit und der Kraft für Entdeckungen nichts mehr im Weg. |
Produkttyp: | Notebook |
Prozessor / Chipsatz
Prozessorhersteller: | Intel |
Prozessortyp: | Core i7 |
Prozessorgeneration: | 7th Gen |
Prozessormodell: | i7-7Y75 |
Prozessorgeschwindigkeit: | 1,30 GHz |
Maximale Turbo-Geschwindigkeit: | 3,60 GHz |
Prozessorkern: | Dual-Core |
Cache: | 4 MB |
64-bit Processing: | Ja |
Hyper-Threading: | Ja |
Standardspeicher: | 8 GB |
Speichertechnologie: | LPDDR3 |
Speicherkartenleser: | Ja |
Größe Solid State Speicher: | 256 GB |
Solid State Schnittstelle: | Serial ATA/300 |
Laufwerktyp: | Nein |
Display / Auflösung
Bildschirmgröße: | 35,6 cm (14 Zoll) |
Display-Typ: | LCD |
Display-Technologie: |
Seitenverhältnis: | 16:9 |
Bildschirmmodus: | Full HD |
Bildschirmauflösung: | 1920 x 1080 |
Hintergrundbeleuchtung: | LED |
Touchscreen: | Ja |
Multi-Touch: | Ja |
Hersteller Grafikcontroller: | Intel |
Technologie Grafikkartenspeicher: | LPDDR3 |
Grafikspeicherzugriff: | Shared |
TV-Karte: | Nein |
Wireless LAN: | Ja |
Wireless LAN-Hersteller: | Qualcomm Atheros |
Wireless LAN Model: | NFA344A |
Wireless LAN-Modell: | NFA344A |
Wireless LAN-Standard: | IEEE 802.11ac |
Bluetooth: | Ja |
Webcam: | Ja |
Mikrofon: | Ja |
Fingerabdruck-Scanner: | Nein |
Lautsprecher: | Ja |
Schnittstellen / Anschlüsse
Gesamtanzahl USB Anschlüsse: | 2 |
Anschluss USB: | Typ-C |
Betriebssystem-Plattform: | Windows |
Betriebssystem: | Windows 10 Home |
Betriebssystem-Architektur: | 64-bit |
Tastatur: | Ja |
Zeigegerät: | TouchPad |
Touchpad Details: | Multi-Touch |
Anzahl Zellen: | 4-Zellen |
Chemisches System: | Lithium-Polymer (Li-Polymer) |
Akkukapazität: | 2770 mAh |
Leistung: | 42,66 Wh |
Maximale Akkulaufzeit: | 8 Stunde(n) |
Maximale Leistung Netzteil: | 45 W |
Abmessungen / Gewicht / Farbe
Farbe: | Schwarz |
Höhe Vorne: | 10,98 mm |
Höhe Hinten: | 10,98 mm |
Höhe: | 11 mm |
Breite: | 324,6 mm |
Tiefe: | 229,6 mm |
Gewicht: | 1,20 kg |
Packungsinhalt: |
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